Journeying through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius was a transformational experience for me. God continues to deepen the graces and consolations of my retreat experience in generous, creative, expansive and loving ways.

The 19th annotation of the Exercises, when experienced in 30 days, is called “the long retreat.”
For those unable to unplug for 30 consecutive days, it is also available in a nine month experience spread out in the midst of everyday life. The purpose of the retreat is transformation through a deep and intimate encounter with God through the person of Jesus. Most people who have prayed through the Exercises facilitated by a trained spiritual director say that the experience is life-changing.

Designed as a retreat guide/manual for spiritual directors, the Spiritual Exercises are often a transformational school of prayer, forming and nourishing contemplatives in action. The Exercises do not "belong" to any one, especially not to any one denomination.The Exercises are not a book to be read, but an experience of prayer and reflection centered on the life of Christ. The trained facilitator, with careful listening discernment, offers readings and meditations that guide one through the dynamics and gentle process of transformation. Training for spiritual directors to facilitate these exercises is a living, respected, honored tradition that has been handed down through seasoned spiritual directors since the 16th century.
The Exercises help many people immerse themselves in the reality of the love of God and grow in awareness of how God is at work in their daily lives. That awareness can continue to grow and deepen in every moment; it is in our everyday life that God meets us. Because of this, it is highly advisable that you have ongoing spiritual direction with someone who can help you prepare for the Exercises and to live them out during and after the retreat. The Exercises are a process and do not finish when we end the retreat. They continue throughout our lives.

For those whose experiences with God may be mainly head knowledge, study, and/or insights, journeying through the Exercises with a trained guide can be a surprising experience of deepening their heart relationship and experiential encounter with God.
For those who have experienced a season of deconstruction, some have experienced a guided journey through the Exercises as an opportunity for reconstruction, giving God time and space to reveal God's self in new, fresh, and real ways.
Through the Exercises we give God time.
I continue to be grateful for my experience of the Exercises and my continuing spiritual freedom, deepening intimacy, and awareness of God’s presence in my life and in the world. I desire to continue to learn more about facilitating the exercises, particularly with women and those impacted by trauma. I’m excited to be facilitating an in-person pilot group experience of the Exercises in Little Rock this fall for women.
Offerings in subsequent years of this retreat will include women and men.
Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life
2023-24 Pilot cohort for women in Little Rock
Encounter God encountering you.
This pilot cohort will be a gentle, creative journey as we intentionally listen to God, ourselves, our bodies, and one another as we pray with the 19th annotation in this retreat. This retreat will be facilitated by a trauma-informed spiritual director and trained Ignatian retreat facilitator. As we pray, we will consider lenses of trauma, our current contexts, and the patriarchal and cultural contexts of the origin of the Exercises, trusting that God is at work in the concrete of our lives.
Time commitment September through May:
•one hour each day of restful prayer
•twice monthly confidential group meetings focused on prayer sharing and dynamics of the Exercises
•monthly meeting with an Ignatian spiritual director (meeting more often is optional)
Retreat Cost: Approximately $70 per month for 9 months plus monthly payment to your Ignatian spiritual director
Applications are due July 28. The application is primarily to help consider time, energy, commitment and readiness for the retreat. This cohort will be limited to approximately six women.
For more information, questions, and an application, please go to
Scroll to the contact form at the bottom of the page, fill out, mentioning Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life. You will receive a response within a day or so with the requested information.
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