Spiritual direction is a form of ancient, holistic, relational soul care that can help in noticing the presence, work, and invitations of the Spirit in our everyday lives. It is a gentle, transformative process offering soul companionship through safe, sacred and expansive space, honoring each person’s pace and place on the spiritual journey as uniquely their own. Some call spiritual direction the art of holy listening.
Trauma-informed spiritual direction can provide a gentle, safe, confidential space for compassionate support, embodied awareness, listening, attunement, wholeness, integration and healing. Those in a season of leadership, discernment, transition, faith shift, grief, loss, wilderness, disorientation, and/or abuse/trauma recovery may be especially drawn to the practice of spiritual direction.
A 1:1 spiritual direction relationship is an intentional journey of deep, compassionate listening as a trained director comes alongside a seeker. The “direction” is from the Spirit. Spiritual direction helps us to grow in awareness of our deep desires and where God is inviting, and, as we do that, we live more freely and authentically.
Spiritual direction helps to develop compassion and curiosity for our most authentic self -- coming to connect with ourselves in new and deeper ways, and through that experience to connect with the Divine in new and deeper ways. Spiritual direction is experiential, integrative, and transformational -- more than informational. It is a transformative process over time, rather than a conversation.
​Spiritual direction is not therapy, life coaching, mentoring, or counseling.
1:1 confidential spiritual direction sessions, typically meeting monthly and lasting one hour, take place in West Little Rock, Arkansas. Video sessions may also be arranged.
Spiritual direction is “...a compassionate, contemplative, evocative process of theosis in which a spiritual directee and director reflect together on the directee’s experience, noticing and responding to the Mystery of God in the present moment. This process yields greater consciousness of the Sacred across every dimension of experience and arena of life. It improves discernment, and it increases freedom to respond to God with generosity.”
– Maria Tattu Bowen,
Co-creator of the Together in the Mystery model of supervision for spiritual directors


Henri Nouwen
“Your life, my life, is given graciously by God. Our lives are not problems to be solved but journeys to be taken."

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