We often think of the spiritual journey as an elevator, taking us higher and higher. Once we get to the top, we are with God and we stay there. The hidden assumption is a transactional view of God. If we do something for God, He will do something for us. It is a formula in which we view ourselves as the initiator and God as the responder. This unhelpful way of relating to God can be buried so deep within us that it becomes an embodied way of living.

The Biblical view is that God is the initiator. He is always initiating, always drawing us to Himself, always inviting us. The spiritual journey is a relationship, much like a hike with an intimate soul friend. God is always lovingly present with us, willing to carry our load. There are high places, low places, rough places, steep places, treacherous places, places of lament, places of wonder, places of darkness, and places where you don’t think you can go on. The journey sometimes feels circuitous.

Prayer walking a labyrinth is an ancient spiritual practice that is a metaphor for the pilgrimage of the spiritual journey. It is an embodied way of praying that involves our right brains. While walking with your body, you also take a walk through the interior terrain of your soul. Prayer walking a labyrinth often opens up new insights into prayer and into our lives.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me -- watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)
I invite you to prayer walk a labyrinth as pilgrimage and see what God might open up for you as you walk -- perhaps a new way of seeing, imagining, or noticing how God is present with you. Each step we take is an opportunity to not only let go of what’s hindering our relationship with God, but also to welcome new ways of being with Him.

We have created a Labyrinth Prayer walk guide for you. It contains information and practical how-to's about the spiritual practice of walking a labyrinth. Our favorite labyrinth in the central Arkansas area is on the grounds of the Arkansas House of Prayer.
Labyrinth Prayer Walk printable guide:
Also check out this world wide labyrinth locater:
I'd love to hear how this experience resonates with you.
Reach out to me at tongua@soulcaresanctuary.org