The Reservoir of our Life: Fall Half-Day Guided Silent Retreat
Sat, Nov 02
|12415 Cantrell Rd, Little Rock, AR 72223, USA
This guided, group half-day retreat offers a peaceful, unplugged, regulating space to connect with God and still the waters of your soul through Ignatian prayer practices in a trauma-informed way.

Time & Location
Nov 02, 2024, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
12415 Cantrell Rd, Little Rock, AR 72223, USA
About the event
Come away with others, unplug, and refresh your soul.
“‘Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.’
For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.” (Mark 6:31)
This group half-day silent retreat offers a guided, unplugged environment to be quiet and linger with the Holy with scripture, your journal, inspirational readings, and God’s Big Book of Creation. Using Ignatian prayer practices in a trauma-informed way, we will seek to create space for being present to, deep resting in, and connection with yourself and God.
This gentle group guided half-day silent retreat will be held in a serene, welcoming, tucked-away environment with two ponds and a variety of outdoor seating areas and walking paths. The morning will begin in a group with grounding, guidance, introductions, and a guided Ignatian contemplation. Linger in silence gazing at the ponds, communing with nature, or walking the labyrinth. We will gather in a group for closing as we prepare to enter back into the world with intention, carrying our retreats as a reservoir inside of us.
Ticket price includes retreat materials, sleeping bag for your cell phone, holding cross, GF snacks, coffee, and tea. We are not able to give refunds for tickets; your ticket may be transferred to another if you are unable to attend. Please bring a journal and something to write with.
The one who is wise, therefore, will see their life as more like a reservoir than a canal. The canal simultaneously pours out what it receives; the reservoir retains the water till it is filled, then discharges the overflow without loss to itself … Today there are many in the Church who act like canals, the reservoirs are far too rare … You too must learn to await this fullness before pouring out your gifts, do not try to be more generous than God.
—Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)